Dry Weather Forecasted for J&K, Brief Rain and Thunder showers Possible for 29-30 June

Jammu and Kashmir’s Weather Forecast from June 23-28:
The weather in Jammu and Kashmir is expected to be generally dry from June 23 to 28. However, brief spells of rain and thundershowers at a few locations cannot be ruled out, according to the meteorological department.
Rain and Thundershower Predictions for June 29-30:
Fresh spells of rain and thundershowers are anticipated at many places across Jammu and Kashmir from June 29-30.
Recent Rainfall Data:
- Srinagar: 1.44mm
- Qazigund: 1.8mm
- Pahalgam: 5.6mm
- Kupwara: 2.1mm
- Kokernag: 6.8mm
- Gulmarg: 6.6mm
- Jammu: 0.0mm
- Banihal: 0.8mm
- Batote: 0.3mm
- Bhaderwah: 2.9mm
Temperature Data:
- Srinagar: Low of 14.5°C, 1.3°C below normal
- Qazigund: Minimum of 13.2°C, 1.2°C below normal
- Pahalgam: Low of 10.6°C, 1.0°C above normal
- Kokernag: Minimum of 12.6°C, 1.6°C below normal
- Kupwara: Low of 13.7°C, 0.7°C below normal
- Gulmarg: Minimum of 5.6°C, 4.5°C below normal
- Jammu: Low of 24.9°C, 1.4°C below normal
- Banihal: Low of 17.0°C
- Batote: Low of 16.6°C
- Bhaderwah: Low of 15.2°C
Stay updated for any changes in the forecast.