SKUAST kashmir

Two-Day Training Programme on Risk Mitigation and Technology Management Begins at DARS Rangreth under the auspices of SKUAST-Kashmir

A two-day capacity-building programme on “Risk Mitigation & Technological Management Strategies for Enhanced Production under Rainfed Ecologies” commenced at the Dryland Agriculture Research…


Scientist Stockholders Meet held at FOA SKUAST-K Wadura Organized by Kashvet Innovations Private Limited and Mountain Research Center for Sheep and Goat

“Scientist-Stakeholders Meet” was jointly organized by Kashvet Innovations Private Limited (SKUAST-K Start-Up) and Mountain Research Center for Sheep and Goat, Shuhama, at Faculty…

SKUAST-K Celebrates

SKUAST-K Celebrates Graduation, Fresher’s Day,University inspiring Visionary Leaders Equipped to Face Global Challenges: Prof mNazir Ahmad Ganai Vice Chancellor

 The Faculty of Agriculture at SKUAST-Kashmir held a vibrant Graduation cum Fresher’s Day celebration on Friday, November 15, 2024, bringing together students, faculty…