School Education Department (SED) Directs Private Schools to Calculate 3-year Age for Nursery Admissions as of Nov 30

Qurat_ul_Ain English Medium

The School Education Department (SED) has directed all the private schools to reckon the three years age of kids seeking admission in Nursery or Anganwadi centres on November 30 of the same year.

The circular instructions have been issued by the department following the  representations received from several parents regarding fixation of a deadline for calculation of the minimum prescribed age for the children seeking admission in Nursery in wake of the restoration of the November-December academic calendar in Kashmir division and winter zones of Jammu division.

“The issue has been examined viz-a-viz the provisions of National Education Policy-2020 (NEP-2020), which stipulates that a child entering Nursery or Balvatika or Pre school or Anganwadi should be above 3 years of age,” reads a circular issued by the Principal Secretary SED Suresh Kumar Gupta.

The SED circular reads that it has become imperative to fix a deadline for calculating the minimum age of a child following the restoration of November-December academic session in Kashmir Division and winter zones of Jammu Division which also remains in compliant with the provisions of National Education Policy (NEP) -2020.

“In light of the above, the date for reckoning the minimum age of the child shall be  November 30 of the year in which admission is sought or granted in Kashmir Division and winter zones of Jammu Division of the School Education Department, for admission in Nursery or  Balvatika or  Pre School or Anganwadi,” the circular reads.

As per the circular, all the educational institutions working in Kashmir Division and winter zones of Jammu Division have been directed to adhere strictly to these guidelines to ensure a hassle-free admission process.

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