Sajad Lone Denounces National Conference’s Reign in Kashmir: Calls for Accountability Ahead of Lok Sabha Elections

Sajad Lone’s speech is a powerful indictment of the National Conference’s governance in Kashmir. He highlights the suffering of the Kashmiri people under their rule, emphasizing the need for accountability. By framing the NC’s leadership as complicit in the oppression faced by the majority, Lone aims to rally support for his own party, the Peoples Conference.

Lone’s criticism extends to Omar Abdullah, accusing him of hypocrisy and lacking moral authority due to his past associations and actions. He calls into question Omar’s alignment with the BJP and his response to significant political events like the abrogation of Article 370.

The speech concludes with a call to action for the upcoming Lok Sabha elections, positioning the Peoples Conference as the voice of the marginalized Kashmiri populace. Lone pledges to champion their concerns in Parliament, promising unwavering dedication to their cause.

Overall, it’s a compelling narrative aimed at galvanizing support for the Peoples Conference while holding the established political players accountable for their actions.

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