Gujjar & Bakerwal hostel Gogji Bagh Srinagar Starts Plantation drive

A plantation drive was held on Tuesday at Gujjar and Bakerwal hostel in Gogji Bagh area of Srinagar district.The drive was carried out jointly by All Sikh Minority Employees Association, and All Employees Joint Association Kashmir under the banner of All Sikh Minority Employees Association J&K.
Diverse saplings were planted on the occasion with active participation of the members of said employees unions and student community. 
Jugmeet Kour who heads the associations observed that plantation is the key to our survival and employees of Jammu and Kashmir have to give every effort in nation building.
He affirmed that plantation drives combat many environmental issues like deforestation, soil erosion, desertification in semi-arid areas, global warming, and enhancing the beauty and balance of the environment.(KNS)

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