J&K Education Department Urges Schools: Avoid Afternoon Assemblies to Safeguard Against Heat-Related Illnesses

The Jammu and Kashmir School Education Department has issued a directive urging educational institutions to steer clear of holding assemblies during the scorching afternoon hours to mitigate the risk of heat-related illnesses.

As per reports from the Kashmir News Observer (KNO), the department’s guideline emphasizes the importance of preventing heat-related ailments (HRI) and advises schools to refrain from organizing assemblies in the afternoon.

The guideline further stresses the necessity of ensuring ample availability of drinking water and incorporating water breaks into the school day. Additionally, it underscores the importance of educating students about covering their heads to shield themselves from the sun’s heat.

Moreover, the department has instructed relevant authorities to promptly report any cases of HRI, underscoring that fostering an environment conducive to learning necessitates prioritizing students’ well-being.

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