Waheed Ur Rehman Parra Rallies Support for Mehbooba Mufti in South Kashmir Campaign

On Sunday, PDP Youth President Waheed Ur Rehman Parra continued his active campaign for Party President Mehbooba Mufti by addressing numerous public meetings in the Kulgam district of South Kashmir.

During his campaign, Parra also engaged with activists and supporters, accompanied by Youth General Secretary Najmu Saqib and other party officials. The public meetings saw enthusiastic participation from local residents, demonstrating strong support for the PDP’s goals.

In his speeches, Parra emphasized that the election represents a chance to break the cycle of silence and give a voice to the people. He highlighted the alignment between the PDP’s vision and the aspirations of the Kashmiri people, embodied in Mehbooba Mufti’s leadership. Parra encouraged voters to turn out in large numbers for Mehbooba Mufti in the upcoming Lok Sabha elections.

Parra stressed that elections are not merely a democratic procedure but a vital opportunity to ensure that the voices of Kashmiris are heard clearly. He called for unity and strength in these challenging times, advocating for the people’s concerns and the cause of peace and justice. He praised Mehbooba Mufti for her unwavering dedication to the people, noting that she has been a vocal advocate for their issues over the past five years, addressing harassment from Kashmir to Delhi.

Highlighting the importance of the forthcoming elections as a pivotal moment for Kashmir, Parra urged the youth to participate actively and make their voices count. “Our future is in our hands. By engaging in the electoral process, we can create a brighter and more inclusive tomorrow. The PDP is committed to representing the true spirit of Kashmir and fighting for the rights and dignity of our people,” he stated.

Parra asserted that government efforts to arrest and detain PDP workers would not deter the party from connecting with the people and amplifying their voices. Recalling the Srinagar parliamentary election, he mentioned that despite the detention of over 100 party workers, the people supported the PDP and voted in large numbers. “Previously, the question was why Kashmiris didn’t vote. Now, the discussion is about why they are voting in such large numbers,” he remarked.

He accused certain government elements of attempting to promote an election boycott and warned that incidents like those in Shopian and Pahalgam create fear, leading to boycotts. Parra called for a thorough investigation into these incidents to uncover the perpetrators and their motives, stressing that such events could harm Kashmiri youth and hinder electoral progress.

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