J&K Education Department Bans School Participation in Political Programmes and Rallies, Warns of Strict Action

Education Department

The J&K School Education Department has issued a circular prohibiting school authorities’ from directing students and staff to participate in political programmes or rallies.

The directive comes amid reports of alleged directives to send students and teachers to a Tiranga Rally organized by the Akhil Bharatiya Vidyarthi Parishad (ABVP) in Doda district of Jammu & Kashmir.

“It is enjoined upon all the officers including Chief Education Officers, Zonal Education Officers and Heads of Institutions of all the schools under School Education Department, not to grant any permission or give any direction to students or staff (including all categories of teachers) to participate in any political programme, rally etc. organized by any political party/organization,” the circular issued reads.


“Further, all the Chief Education Officers shall strictly monitor that any directions from any district authority should not be in contravention to the circular instructions and in case of any such deviation, the Chief Education Officer concerned shall immediately bring the same into the notice of respective Director School Education for further instructions,” it also reads.

The authorities directed the respective Directors of School Education Department to ensure strict compliance of circular instructions and violation of same shall be viewed seriously and shall invite strict action under law.

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